
How to select dust mask PM 2.5 and which type is safe?

“Face masks for PM 2.5” or N95 masks, Is it necessary for the air pollution situation? If we only have just “health mask”, it will be prevented or not? Why “N95 masks” stays at the top on Google search? And where we can buy face masks for PM 2.5? Including "air purifier", why become another "Important electrical appliances" for the house at the moment? All answers can be found at HomeGuru.

What is PM 2.5? What we need to know before buying?

PM 2.5 is a small, 2.5-micron dust particles that can spread into the respiratory tract, bloodstream and penetrate into the various organ functions in the body which our nose hairs cannot be filtered. If collecting large amounts of dust, it will increase the risk of chronic bronchitis and cancer. PM 2.5 caused by car exhaust, burning in the open, industrial plants, power plants, the integration of atmospheric gases, etc.
So "dust mask" or "air filter mask" can protect your health from PM 2.5 or PM10 while you being outdoors and "air purifier" is another way to protect your health at home. (Read more: An air purifier that can protect your home from dust pollution (pm 2.5) and germs.)

How different between N95 masks and health mask?

1. General health mask.
General health mask Can filter only bacteria, fungi, unpleasant odors, but can't filter the virus and it can filter only large dust, which some models can filter PM 3 around 80%, but still can’t filter PM 2.5 so there are opportunities for strange things to penetrate into the respiratory system Because the mask is designed not to attach the wearer's face such as nose mask, fashion mask, general health mask, carbon filter masks etc.
2. Dust mask, air filter mask or particle filter mask.
Air filter mask widely used in industrial plants, agriculture and various mechanics. This type of mask can filter air, filter germs, viruses and influenza viruses and of course it can filter particles of PM 0.1-0.3 that mean it can filter PM 2.5, PM 10 up to 95% or more.
Dust mask is designed to be attached to the wearer's face so the outside air is difficult to leak and when you inhale, the air will pass the filter layer so you will feel that it's too difficult to breathe. The dust mask is designed to be 2 types…
The mask has no valve: It may be uncomfortable and you can't breathe convenient, but the price is cheaper than The mask has an on-off valve.
The mask has an on-off valve: It can helps ventilate the air, convenient for people with asthma. There have 2 choices of shape such as cup shape or folding style.

The difference between the R95 mask and N95 mask?

R95 dust mask

The R95 mask is a mask with complete protection options. It can prevent small air dust and contaminants in the air. Including both of oil and non-oil components such as oil mist, vapors and acids, gas, suitable for spray painting, paint work in foundries, agriculture, petrochemical production, etc., but the price of R95 mask is higher than N95 so this is the reason that why it's not popular yet.

N95 dust masks

N95 masks are especially dust-proof masks. It's designed for sand blasting Dusting, dusting, filling and work areas that are generally dusty, so it is a mask that suitable for dealing with dust problems PM 2.5 - PM 10 in our home now, but N95 mask has a limited ability to protection of oil-free particulate so it can't able to filter out contaminants in the air such as oil mist, etc. same like the R95 mask.

How to wear a dust mask and health mask?

The health mask is easy to wear. You have to pull the cord to both of your ears and done! Besides the N95 dust mask, you must pull 2 straps by pulling the first strap below to cross the head and fasten under the ears. And another strap, you must pull it to the top of your back head.

How to buy a dust mask and which one is the best?

Before buying a dust mask, you need to see the label on the side of the packaging envelope because it can tell you about the air filtration properties and which type of dust can be filtered. As well as looking at production standards such as health and safety research that should be the American standard, NIOSH model names are N, R, P and European standards (e.g. Australia / New Zealand), the model names are EN P1, P2, P3. For good protection, the efficiency of filtration should be 94-95% or higher.
If the budget is a bit high, you should choose a dust mask with a nose foam and it must have a ventilation valve for ease of wearing and breathing. You shouldn't use the N99-N100 mask because it will make you feel uncomfortable and too difficult to breathe.

If we don't have dust mask, can we use a tissue mask instead?

"Tissue paper mask" or D.I.Y. mask from the news that if you don't have enough budget to buy N95 dust masks, then you can use a mask and cover the two layers of tissue papers instead. It can filter dust up to 90%. This information is from the latest data from Chulalongkorn University researchers.

Where can you buy an N95 dust mask?

The dust mask or N95 mask can easily find at Homepro store, but if you are looking for “air purifier” or “air conditioner” with dust filter features, you can find all the products with the discount promotion at Homepro.co.th
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