How many types of drinking water purifier?
As you may have already know, water purifier is responsible for removing undesirable
contaminants, germs and chemicals, to produce clean, purified water for safe consumption.
But what many people are interested in is, which water purifier brand to choose? What are
the different types? Each type gives the same result or not? Let’s get to know the different
types of water purifier.
1. UV (Ultra Violet) Water Purifier
UV water purifier uses UV radiation to filter undesirable contaminants and germs in the
water. However, this type of water purifier does not get rid of bacteria, but it can kill or
stop the growth of bacteria with the remaining essential minerals.
2. UF (Ultra Filtration) Water Purifier
UF water purifier has 4-5 steps of water filtration system which can filter bacteria and
other contaminants with the remaining essential minerals. It is a popular type of water
3. RO (Reverse Osmosis) Water Purifier
RO water purifier can filter undesirable contaminants up to 95% with fine filtration up to
0.0001 micron. It can even filter ground water to get pure water with no contaminants and
minerals. Because it does not contain minerals, it is still the question whether this type
of water purifier is dangerous or not?
To make this easy to understand, HomeGuru would like
to refer to the data from the Institute of Nutrition from Mahidol University, which
concludes that filtering minerals out of water doesn’t affect your body from lacking of
minerals or causing sickness, due to minerals contain in tap water is very little. And the
source of human minerals is not from drinking water mainly. We get minerals from the food we
consume in each day. So it is concluded that RO water purifier is not dangerous.
And because each drinking water purifier has different properties, the best way to choose
the best water purifier is based on the suitability of each home. Which type of water
purifier and what are the limitations of installing? Most important thing that you need to
pay attention is the quality of the product. Choose the one with an ISO 9001 certified,
which is a guarantee of the production and the process of the product.