Homepro FAQs
Promotion & Discount
Is Price and Promotion in www.homepro.com.my same with those in the store?
Price and Promotion in www.homepro.com.my and 'Homepro store' can be different due to special campaigns and promotions which could be available on specific channel. Please check product price again at Homepro store near you.
We are more than happy to have you as our member. Please register to be our member, then we can send you an e-mail to let you know
about special privileges to shop online.
HomeCard Member
Can HomeCard members order goods in Homepro Online?
All members are welcome to make a purchase in Homepro Online. By simply link your homecard member to an existing or newly created online account, then enjoy a member privileges online as well.
Does HomeCard Member get point collection for online purchase?
You can make a linkage between homecard member and online account, then you will get point collection as same as you are shopping at the stores.
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